
do with是什么意思翻译_do with的音标怎么读

do with

处理, 利用, 忍受, 需要, 相处


I wouldn't have anything to do with those scum.


Anything to do with our finances is my wife's province.


What will you do with these green crepe?


I have nothing to do with it.


The radio could do with a repair.


If there's one thing I can't do with, it's untidiness.


This house could do with painting.


I can't do with his insolence.


1. 与……相处; 忍受

I can't do with his selfishness.


She is quite difficult to do with.


2. 处理; 对待

What are we going to do with the problem?


3. 将就, 以……凑合着用

4. 想要; 需要

do with

处理, 利用, 忍受, 需要, 相处


I wouldn't have anything to do with those scum.


Anything to do with our finances is my wife's province.


What will you do with these green crepe?


I have nothing to do with it.


The radio could do with a repair.


If there's one thing I can't do with, it's untidiness.


This house could do with painting.


I can't do with his insolence.


1. 与……相处; 忍受

I can't do with his selfishness.


She is quite difficult to do with.


2. 处理; 对待

What are we going to do with the problem?


3. 将就, 以……凑合着用

4. 想要; 需要

do withdo with
1.翻译:忍受, 满足于If the usual team is unable to come, we shall have to do with other players.如果经常出场的队不能来的话, 我们只好找其他队员上场。If we can't afford beef, we have to do with pork.如果我们买不起牛肉, 猪肉也行。He couldn't do with waiting any longer, so he left.他等不下去, 所以走了。You must do with what you've got.你必须(对已有的条件)感到满足。
2.翻译:处置, 对待, 对付(某人)Everyone does well with him.每个人对他很好。What shall we do with the drunken sailor?我们怎么处置这个喝醉的水手?What shall we do with the leftovers?这些剩菜怎么处理?What did you do with yourself during the summer holidays?暑假你是怎样度过的?I don't know what to do with it.我不知道这件事该怎么处理。The boys didn't know what to do with themselves after school ended.男孩们不知道放学后该做些什么。
3.翻译:需要, 想要, 有理由占有(某物)I could do with a bath.我想洗个澡。This car could do with a good polish.这部车需要好好擦一擦。
4.翻译:与…有关I am not involved in it; it has nothing to do with me.我与这事没有牵连; 它与我无关。I'm interested in anything to do with music.凡与音乐有关的事我都感兴趣。
5.翻译:控制(自己)The children didn't know what to do with themselves as Christmas drew near.圣诞节即将到来, 孩子们坐立不安了。
6.翻译:读完Tom keeps asking me for an opinion on his book so I'd better read it and have done with it.汤姆一再就他那本书征求我的意见, 所以我最好把它读完。
7.翻译:与…相处It is difficult to do with her.和她相处不易。Don't you find him difficult to do with?你没有发现他难以相处吗?

do with
1.翻译:处置;处理;对待;利用,运用,用[一般与 what 连用]:What should I do with this old computer?这台旧电脑怎么处理?What did you do with that $ 100 I gave you?我给你的100美元花到哪上面去了?
2.翻译:有…就行了,有…也行,将就(凑合)用,以…凑合着用,以…对付过去;满足于;认为足够[一般与 can 或 could 连用]:If we can't afford computer, we shall do with typewriter.如果我们买不起电脑,那么打字机也行。He'll have to do with what he has got; there is no more.他有什么就凑合着用吧,再没有多的了。
3.翻译:想要,需要 [一般与 can 或 could 连用]:I could do with more leisure time.我想要更多的空闲时间。I'm thirsty; I could do with a glass of water.我渴了,我想喝杯水。
4.翻译:[口语]拥有,持有,取得 [一般与 what 连用,询问为什么需要某物]:What are you doing with my gun?你拿我的枪干吗?I don't know what such a young girl is doing with a car.我不知道这么年轻的女孩子要汽车干什么。
5.翻译:[英国口语]容忍,忍受[与 can't 或 couldn't 连用,用于否定句]:I can't do with her temper.我受不了她的脾气。She couldn't do with noise and disturbances any longer, and left.她再也受不了吵吵闹闹,于是走开了。
6.翻译:与…相处:The boy didn't know what to do with his girlfriend.这名男孩不知道怎样与他的女友相处。It's easy to do with him.与他易相处。
7.翻译:取走,窃取,拿走,偷;隐藏 [与 what 连用]:What have you done with my purse?你把我的钱包藏到哪儿去了?
8.翻译:放置[与 what 连用]:I can't remember what I did with my pen.我记不起我把笔放在哪儿了。
9.翻译:(有益地)度过(时间);消磨(时光);使(自己)忙于,使忙碌[后接 oneself]:What did you do with yourself in leisure time?你是怎样消磨空闲时间的?What does she do with herself all day?她整天忙于什么?
10.翻译:控制(自己),克制[后接 oneself]:The girl didn't know what to do with herself as the wedding drew near.婚礼临近了,这姑娘激动不已。
11.翻译:与…有关:I'm interested in anything to do with books.凡是与图书有关的,我都感兴趣。It is nothing to do with her.这与她无关。
12.翻译:与…断绝关系;做完,办完,用完,结束:She has done with her boyfriend.她与她的男友断绝关系了。Are you done with the documents?你看完这些文件了吗?

见:do 1: do with

do with

动词 do well:

act in one's own or everybody's best interest

同义词:had best